Aug. 1, 2023

#13 Helping humans perform better – (Professor Dr. Andy Galpin)

Dr. Andy Galpin is professor of kinesiology at California State University, the co-director of the Center for Sport Performance, has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and presentations and has worked with elite athletes across various fields. 

In the show

  1. What his mission “helping humans perform better” means and why he chose it
  2. Why professional athlete struggle with the same challenges as “normal people”
  3. How technology is shaping the fitness industry and the challenge of behaving consistently
  4. Exciting and worrisome trends in fitness & health
  5. The link between knowing/data and behavioral change
  6. Common mistakes when building a consistent workout routine and his tips to improve your odds
  7. How setting SMART goals and thinking long-term fundamentally changes your success probability
  8. Passion & interest: Which study Andy would do if he’d have unlimited funds
  9. Why he doesn’t believe in simple tips, “this one thing will change everything” and that any food is inherently bad






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