Sept. 20, 2023

#20 Brain Health Masterclass - I/II - Why nobody should miss this. (Dr. Tommy Wood)

Part I of the series with Dr. Tommy Wood.

Dr. Tommy Wood received a biochemistry degree from the University of Cambridge, a medical degree from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Physiology and Neuroscience from the University of Oslo. He currently works as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience at the University of Washington, where his lab focuses on brain health across the lifespan. He has published dozens of scientific papers and spent more than a decade working as a performance consultant to professional athletes.

In the show

  1. His journey and career decision principles
  2. The definition of brain health, how to measure it and it’s overlap with mental health
  3. Why it’s not always beneficial to aspire to better brain health
  4. Why IQ tests are sexist and racist
  5. Whether improving brain health helps you to achieve your potential or also increases your potential
  6. When do you consider a brain unhealthy and what happens physiologically in those cases
  7. Do you feel it if you’re at the lower end of the brain health
  8. How brain health develops throughout aging and how it has developed throughout the last 50 years
  9. The average improvement potential of your brain






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