Oct. 18, 2023

#24 Gym surprise: Should you train to failure? (Prof. Dr. Michael Zourdos)

Michael is a distinguished academic with more than 60 publications in the field of Exercise Science. He completed his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from The Florida State University and is a Full Professor and the Department Chair at the Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion at Florida Atlantic University. Michael is also a Managing Partner in the MASS Research Review.

In the Show:

  1. Beyond the Basics: Unpack the concepts of proximity to failure and repetitions in reserve.
  2. Pushing Limits: Discover the reality and origins of the "all-out" training mentality.
  3. Body's Response: Learn what happens biologically when approaching muscle failure.
  4. Mind over Muscle: Understand the psychological impacts of training intensity and who's most affected.
  5. Strategizing RIR: Gain insights on tailoring Repetitions In Reserve for optimal results.
  6. Adapting Workouts: Unearth when and why to vary target RIR within or across training phases.
  7. The Age Factor: Grasp how aging influences our approach to resistance training.
  8. Transform Your Training: Equip yourself with expert tips to elevate your workout regimen.







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