Nov. 9, 2023

#28 Five surprising ways your body clock impacts you (Dr. Greg Potter)

Greg holds degrees in exercise science and a PhD from the University of Leeds, researching sleep, circadian rhythms, nutrition, and metabolism. Beyond academia, Greg is the host of Reason & Wellbeing podcast, has co-founded multiple startups and has dedicated over a decade to coaching organizations and individuals in optimizing wellness and performance across various contexts.

In the Show:

  1. Your Internal Clock: What is it and why do we have it?
  2. 3 Key Systems: How your body's rhythm affects them.
  3. Daily Changes: What happens to our bodies throughout the day?
  4. Modern Life's Effect: How today's lifestyle messes with our clocks.
  5. Risks & Rewards: 4 shocking ways not syncing can hurt or help you.
  6. Optimal Rhythm: 5 powerful principles to make you smarter, happier, stronger and more healthy.






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